
Listing Rules

AClosetful takes listings pretty seriously. We believe in providing exactly what the customer is expecting, with that here are some rules as far as listing closet items.

  • You need to upload each of your items separately, under their appropriate category, we do not allow more than a quantity of one for each individual listing. You will have to post multiple listings if you have more than 1 of the item.
  • All items should have a item condition assigned, it is a required field. In the item description, you should also describe any damage, changes made to the item, missing parts and provide pictures of such in your listing. 
  • Your listing or profile description shall not refer to external websites. We do allow posting to social media using the share icon or in links provided by you in your profile, this link should only be to your listing on and not for commercial use.
  • It’s forbidden to upload an item that is not available or already sold. Items must not be uploaded for the purpose of searching for the item. It is also not allowed to list something that is not an actual item. Example: Advertising posts, search engine submissions, etc. 
  • Your item has a retail value, we suggest listing your item 40-60% off this value. It is against the rules to ask the retail price of your item, even if it is new.
  • All listings and other posts related to bidding activities are not allowed. What that means is when your item’s price is unusually low/high and doesn’t seem to match the real item’s value, the listing may be considered as an auctioned one and will be hidden from
  • ​​For any plug in electrical item and any battery powered products that transmit heat or have batteries of any kind, they must not display any damage such as frayed, loose cables, leaking batteries and must be packaged with proper warning label for shipping purposes.
  • Items listed at over $500 and claimed to be authentic can, if you wish be sent to AClosetful to verify authenticity. There is no charge for this however, once purchased, this item will be sent directly to the customer from our headquarters. Please contact us to inquire about our authenticy services.

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If you still have a question, you can submit a support request here.   Contact Support
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