All sales, after commission fees are taken out (Your earnings) are added to your account balance/wallet, once the customer has marked their item as received. You can request a withdraw when your balance reaches $25 or more.
If you have a balance of $25 or more and want to cash out your balance, click on Wallet >> Payouts >> + New Payout Request.
Remember to have set your payout account or it will be denied. Wallet >> Set Payout Account.
All payment made to vendors are done through PayPal only. We do not send money-orders, western union or bank transfers, all withdraws are done online only.
If you obtained a new signup credit or bonus credits in monetary form, these cannot be included with your withdraw and are not available for withdraw, only to be used for listing a closet items for sale. If you request a withdraw, the $ amount of the credits will not be sent, all withdraws must adhere to the above mentioned.